
Clair Blacketer, MPH, PMP

PhD Student

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Clair is a Director in the Epidemiology Analytics group within Epidemiology at Janssen Research & Development, a Johnson & Johnson company. She began her career at a regional health system in my home state of Virginia focused on health outcomes research, specifically in patients with sepsis. She then joined Janssen in 2015 where her main area of focus has been observational data management. This includes managing multiple ETL conversions to the OMOP Common Data Model as well as serving as project manager for the OHDSI Common Data Model working group. She received her MPH from Eastern Virginia Medical School, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Medical Informatics at Erasmus MC. Her thesis is centered on determining the "fitness for use" of observational health databases, specifically in relation to data standards and data quality. 

Relevant Publications

Posters and Presentations

  • Blacketer C. Comparison of existing bleeding risk prediction models to large scale patient-level prediction models. Oral abstract presentation, QCOR AHA Meeting, Arlington, VA; April 6, 2019.
  • Blacketer C. Comparison of existing bleeding risk prediction models to large scale patient-level prediction models. Lightning Talk, OHDSI Symposium, Bethesda, MD; October 12, 2018.
  • Reps JM, Williams RD, You SC, Jeong KS, Rijnbeek PR, Blacketer MC, Ryan PB. External validation of existing stroke risk prediction models in older females with atrial fibrillation across the OHDSI network. OHDSI Symposium, Bethesda, MD; October 12, 2018.
  • Voss EA, Ryan PB, Blacketer C, Londhe AA, Schuemie MJ. Always ♥ Your Data:  An Approach to Observational Data Lifecycle Management in the OHDSI Ecosystem.  European OHDSI Symposium, Rotterdam, Netherlands; March 24, 2018.
  • Blacketer C, Voss E. Creating a Framework for Evaluating Open Healthcare Claims Using the OMOP Common Data Model. Poster session presented at: 3rdAnnual OHDSI Symposium; 2017 Oct 18; Bethesda, MD. 
  • Blacketer C, DeFalco F. Panel members: OHDSI Community Reactions. OHDSI Symposium, Bethesda, MD; Oct. 2017.
  • Blacketer M, Duryea J, Matcho A, Reps J. Converting SEER-Medicare to the OMOP Common Data Model. Poster session presented at: 2ndAnnual OHDSI Symposium; 2016 Sep 23; Washington, D. C.
  • Bloom L, Myers A, Boyle K, Blacketer M, Weinstein R. Aging and the Frequency of NSAID-Relevant Coexisting Medical Conditions in the Primary Care Setting. 21st International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics in San Francisco, CA, July 2017.
  • Bloom L, Myers A, Boyle K, Blacketer M, Weinstein R. Considerations for Recommending OTC Analgesics: Frequency of NSAID-Relevant Coexisting Medical Conditions. Poster session presented at: 2016 GSA Annual Scientific Meeting; 2016 Nov 16; New Orleans, LA. 
  • Gold S, Blacketer M, Sena A, DeFalco F. CHRONOS: Cohort exploration through individual patient profiles. Poster session presented at: 2ndAnnual OHDSI Symposium; 2016 Sep 23; Washington, D. C.
  • Blacketer MS, Voss EA, Ryan PB. Applying the OMOP Common Data Model to Survey Data. Poster session presented at: 1stAnnual OHDSI Symposium; 2015 Oct 20; Washington, D.C.


Training and Workshops

  • Blacketer C, Voss EA. OMOP Common Data Model Extract, Transform & Load Tutorial, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; March 30, 2019.
  • Reich C, Voss EA, Van Zandt M, Blacketer C, Belenkaya R, Dymshyts D, Torok D, Lyman S. OMOP Common Data Model and Standardized Vocabularies, Bethesda, MD; October 11, 2018.
  • Blacketer C. OMOP CDM and Vocabulary Overview. MDD Research Team Meeting; New Brunswick, NJ; August 16, 2018.
  • Reich C, Voss EA, Van Zandt M, Blacketer C, Belenkaya R, Dymshyts D, Torok D, Lyman S. OMOP Common Data Model and Standardized Vocabularies, Bethesda, MD; October 19, 2017.