
Henrik John, MSc

PhD Student

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Henrik John received his Master of Science (2016) in Embedded Systems from Delft University of Technology. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in the field of clinical predictive modeling at Erasmus University Medical Center. As a member of the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) collaborative, he is conducting research on large-scale patient databases. His current research fields include data-driven patient stratification, data set scaling issues, and deep learning.


  • Teaching assistant for the Klinische Technology Master of Science program. This course aims to provide students the fundamentals of machine learning in a medical context. The course includes practical exercises that focus on the development of clinical prediction models.
  • Teaching version control with Git.

Invited Lectures

  • Population Health Management course on Advanced Risk Stratification, Leiden University Medical Center, May 2018.


  • John, Luis H., et al. "Logistic regression models for patient-level prediction based on massive observational data: Do we need all data?." International Journal of Medical Informatics163 (2022): 104762.
  • Preprint: John, Luis H., et al. "External validation of existing dementia prediction models on observational health data." (2022).