We believe more education for young health data scientists, medical students, and healthcare professional, is needed to train them in the opportunities and limitations of big data in healthcare.

We are involved in several educational activities:

  • We teach data science to students of the “Klinische Technology” Master of Science program. This course aims to provide students the fundamentals of machine learning in a medical context. The course includes practical exercises that focus on the development of clinical prediction models. We hope to further extend this to a full curriculum on health data science to teach all medical students at the Erasmus MC the basics of this exciting multidisciplinary field.

  • We provide tutorials on the OMOP-CDM and Patient-Level Prediction to researchers, regulators, and pharmaceutical companies. These courses explain the fundamentals of developing prediction models and how to apply them in a clinical context. Example tutorials are available on the OHDSI Youtube Channel in which we and OHDSI colleagues teach Patient-Level Prediction.